Hello, so I looked up quite a few ways on how to import a rthro bundle to Roblox Studio but they all seem to have their own flaw. Such as a plugin I tried called Wear Bundle and either the neck or the hat asset will just be completely off positioned and absolutely huge on the character. So all in all, what would be the best way to import Roblox rthro bundles?
Here’s how I do it, get plugin
make sure to turn script injection on(idk why it does that, but its not a virus). Then, open the command bar by going to view → command bar. Once you do that, type this code in it
print(game:GetService("AssetService"):GetBundleDetailsAsync(bundle id))
once you do that, open the output → view → output
it should return this
if it returns something like this
then go to the 3 dots on the upper right corner of the output, click it.
once you click it, press on log mode and set it to false
after you do that, re-print it and it should print like this
Next, make a humanoid description, place it anywhere.
Once you make it, look through the table and click on the “items” table. it should return something like this
now, go through each of these mini-tables, you should see something similar to this
If it says “left arm” at the end, then go to the humanoid description and set the leftarm value to the id of the item. Do the same for the rest of the body parts. This works with both r6 and r15 so dont worry.
Once you finish importing it, open the humanoid description tools plugin and select the humanoid description you made and select the character. Then press the APPLY button
if you have any questions then feel free to ask!
What exactly do you mean by this? For me, the plugin doesn’t do anything it seems like it only turns true or false.
click the plus icon when you hover over something
then a ui like this should pop up
then, search “humanoid description” and insert it
then follow the rest of the tutorial
Sorry this is confusing to me so hopefully me asking you questions doesnt wear you out… When I added a humanoidDescription how do I view the “items” or is it called something else?
did you go to the command bar and did the command?
Ahhh I just needed to make my output a little bigger I didnt see it at the bottom