How to improve my castle?

I’ve had this project going in the background for like, two months & it’s almost done now, I’m just looking for some last improvements I can make before calling it finished.

(obviously the furthest tower on the left isn’t finished, and the brick texture will be continued to the rest of the build, I’m here for suggestions on things to add or change not finish)


I think you can make a pathway to the entrance of the castle and if i make a castle theme i always put a maze that was made out of a bush wall
and to make much more cooler is by putting a castle wall and a lot of village surrounded the castle

You’ve done a fantastic job with the visual style. I have no suggestions for the castle itself without knowing what gameplay purpose it is supposed to serve. Also, as @MerlinTealess mentioned, you could expand the area around the castle.


Maybe you could add a stone path up to the castle, but other than that I think it’s great!