How to improve my Start Menu UI?

Hello! I’m currently updating my UI for an upcoming game. I need some feedback on the current UI for the start menu. I may make more posts showing ALL of the UI, however the rest is subject to change so it’s not worth showing right now.

To give you some insight, I’m planning to change the background on the start menu from the viewport frame to a few scenic maps that will be showcased without using any other instances (ViewportFrames).

The greenish colour that you can see in the footage changes every time you join the game. You’re randomly assigned a different colour with a specific range of colours.

The Value for the RGB colours ranges between 150-200.

Showcase Footage on Streamable


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The buttons could look better if they’re close to each other rather than keeping them far away like that. Putting them closer will give it a better look in my opinion.

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I’ll keep that in mind! I’m planning to add more buttons soon so that will definitely be applied if I keep the same layout. Thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:

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Looks really cool! Only thing I’d change (asides from what the previous person said) would be to make the settings frame narrower because it’s too wide in my opinion, about half the width would be good I’d say.
Also maybe get a better view of the map in the background so that you can’t see the border :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback!

The settings menu has been intentionally increased in width because of scaling issues that were occurring for some reason. I’d also figured that it does look nicer as a wide window, though we may reconsider it, depending on what the consensus says. :star:

As for the map background, as I’ve mentioned earlier, I may replace the ViewportFrame with the CurrentCamera slightly scrolling through maps. I’m also considering a panorama-style background, a lot like Minecraft’s menu screen! If you have any suggestions for the background not related to the ViewportFrame, it will be heavily appreciated and considered! =)

Ah sorry I didn’t see
Sounds good though, great job!

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