How to improve this button?

Here’s there button, any ideas? Tried literally for like an hour but still looks pretty bad.

Remove the subtext, don’t fill buttons with unnecessary information, you can easily put that in like a select a character screen instead of the button. Also make the deploy bolder.


Thanks, I did that but still it feels a bit off, any other ideas?image

I do actually feel that the arrow is a bit blurry. I think you should make it a bit more clearer and maybe make sure that the DEPLOY text label is positioned directly in the centre (0.5,0,0.5,0)

Could always do something like this or add some texture.
Asset 17@2x


That looks much better! what colour are all the other UI’s?

How exactly did you do that? Can you list the changes please?

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They are mixed, some are orange and black

I can explain. It is a Frame with UI Corner and 2 text labels. The one has > and the other says DEPLOY

oh. I was thinking more of a dark design would fit it!

But how did he do the border if there’s a UI corner?

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he did it using uistroke. it puts a border on roblox ui objects

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He used UI Stroke to add a green border to the outer parts – EDIT: What the other guy said!

I put a uistroke on the button but it didn’t do anything

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try messing with the properties

also maybe he useed external programs?

tried but didn’t help, literally doesn’t show any borders

He might have done but I find doing work in studio is much easier

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show me your problem? video btw

easier may it be, external programs have the ability to produce better ui and images

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I can’t really video but here’s a pic of the UIStroke that is parented to the frame.


change applystrokemode to border.