Hello everyone! So, I’m making a build, it has water, and it’s in the night! sO coOl!1!
Anyways, while making it I noticed the water looks very odd. Look at these two pictures:
I know this isn’t something I could fix, but is there anyway to make it look nicer? The shadows are kind of going to mess up the point of the game. I tried adding light to make it go away, but also didn’t work out well. Any tips to remove the shadows?
Also, in the night there are these weird lines what appear at the edge of your water:
This is also kind of annoying. So how could I fix these two things? If there is no specific fix, do you have any tips on how I can make these appear less often?
Hey there! There isn’t really much you can do -but to make the water look a bit better, try changing the color of the water, also you should use a skybox to create a little light, try using Realism in toolbox.
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Hey! Make sure your graphics are on the maximum setting. Also, make sure your water property’s Transparency and Reflectance are both at 1. I would also suggest amping the Brightness to somewhere around 5.

Here’s what my water looks like with these settings applied.
Looks a lot clearer! Hope I helped.
Thanks man! Cool skybox by the way, is it a skybox?? and is it in the toolbox?
Yep! The keyword I typed in was “Realism”.
Here’s the Asset URL.
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