How to insert services

I’m not sure if i’m the only one asking this, but I don’t know how to insert services.
I looked around studio, not there.
I tried looking up on the devforum, literally only one post mentioned or had the insert services thing on there.
Even when searching up insert services, it gives me LoadAsset() which is InsertService.
I was originally gonna put this post in scripting help, but since this is like an application inside studio where you can insert services, I wasn’t because it had nothing to do with scripting, and so I put it in game design support.

I don’t understand what you mean by this. Aren’t all services inserted as soon as the game gets run?

Yes, but there is extra services you can insert.
ReplicatedScriptService is a service that is not shown, and i’m trying to insert that for scripting purposes.

Don’t use that service, it doesn’t even work.

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No, you cannot “insert services”, but you may call them in a variable, as they are hidden in studio. You may reference the following in your code:


I know, i’m using it for my module though so I don’t have to do GetService manually.

Oh. Yeah, I think you have to actually use GetService.

Like @BenMactavsin said, theres a reason why its invisible.

It doesn’t work, so you can’t use it.

I don’t think you can insert services.

Edit: What is wrong with just using workspace?
Security Issues?

It wouldn’t be much different, to be honest.

So you’re trying to get the service into your game, essentially?

Yes. But not actually editing versions or going to one. I’m not sure if that IS a plugin or not because when you try to search it up on studio it’s not there. Even when going to library, all you see is viruses.

In the “Model” tab, there’s an Advanced category and there’s a “Services” button. If you click on that, it should give you a list of services to import. If ReplicatedScriptService isn’t there, I don’t know what to tell you, as I’m currently doing this off of a Chromebook.

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This would be just like you’d insert the “Teams” service.

I’m so stupid.

How do I get rid of it? I’ve been having trouble with that.

I don’t believe there is any way to, an alternate solution would be leaving the service alone.