Hello I have forgotten how to setup an invoke connection for my remote function so that I can use a local script to communicate to a server script. However, I have looked at the documentation and it is nothing short of trash. I wish they did not remove the old examples all the pages used to have. So annoying & stupid! Anyways can somebody help me out?
--ServerSide code
local connections = {} --used for the function below.
Functions["CreateConnection"] = function(remoteFunc)
--This function will allow communication between client and server sides.
--remove any existing connections:
for nam,obj in pairs(connections) do
if typeof(obj) == 'function' or typeof(obj) == 'RBXScriptConnection' then
obj:Disconnect() --disconnect any functions
obj = nil
--Create a new connection:
local newVal = Instance.new("BoolValue")
newVal.Name = "Connection"
-- Create a new connection:
connections[newVal] = remoteFunc.OnServerInvoke:Connect(function(data)
print(data, "<---")
-- Handle the data received from the client here
newVal:Destroy() --remove the value as we wont need it anymore.
--serverSide code
local clientSide_Communicator = Instance.new("RemoteFunction")
clientSide_Communicator.Name = "Connection"
clientSide_Communicator.Parent = data.model
09:25:29.387 OnServerInvoke is a callback member of RemoteFunction; you can only set the callback value, get is not available - Studio
I am using a remoteFunction.