How to join a part and mesh into one model?

I tried grouping both in to a model but when unanchored they act as two separate entities, how do I make them act as one?

E.g of what I tried to do

I would think about using a WeldConstraint.

GPT says:

In Roblox Studio, the WeldConstraint is a constraint that can be used to attach two objects together, making them move as a single unit. Here’s how to use the WeldConstraint:

  1. Open Roblox Studio and create a new place or open an existing one.

  2. Insert two objects that you want to weld together. For example, you could insert a part and a model.

  3. Select the first object by clicking on it in the Explorer or in the 3D view.

  4. In the Explorer, right-click on the selected object and hover over “Constraints”. Select “Weld” from the list of constraints.

  5. The “Weld” constraint will be added to the first object. You will see a line connecting the two objects in the 3D view.

  6. Select the second object by clicking on it in the Explorer or in the 3D view.

  7. In the Explorer, right-click on the selected object and hover over “Constraints”. Select “Weld” from the list of constraints.

  8. The “Weld” constraint will be added to the second object. The two objects are now welded together.

  9. You can test the weld by selecting one of the objects and moving it. The other object should move with it.

  10. You can customize the properties of the WeldConstraint by selecting it in the Explorer and changing the values in the Properties window. For example, you can change the break force, which determines how much force is required to break the weld.

That’s it! You’ve successfully used the WeldConstraint to attach two objects together in Roblox Studio.

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