I don’t know alot about this, but from what I can read HingeConstraint.TargetAngle might do the trick. I usually use anchor to keep something still, but not sure if that will apply to this. Maybe weld them to an anchored object though?
I do use TargetAngle, it works when the car is still just fine, but when the car is in motion it goes back to the same position, I’ll check out the links you sent, thanks
So I fixed some of the issue, some of the values were wrong making the car go forward and back at the same time bringing the wheels back. However now the car has the same issue just in the opposite direction (The car can drive normal-ish but the wheels turning inwards prevents it)
If you turn up AngularResponsiveness, the servo will try harder to reach its target angle. ServoMaxTorque is only the maximum amount of torque that is applied, not a multiplier for how much force will try to be applied.
Something else that helps is to put the HIngeConstraint’s Attachments (the pivot of the Hinge) at the center of the wheel, so that when it’s travelling the drag doesn’t pull it back.
Some of the steering in my Tracked Vehicle place uses 1 Motor to drive the steering, and actual Parts/Rods to push the wheels just like real car suspension.
Motors are a little trickier to work with, but they are more stable than HingeConstraints.