How to keep the animations from returning to the start point?

I am currently working on some animations for @lSteveRogersl and while doing some combat animations, I noticed that the fact that the animations has to return to the original start point really ruins the effect of the animations.

Is there a way to get the player to stay in the position that the animation ends besides using body movers?

Here is an example of what I am talking about,

– 12904


I solved a thread recently that dealt with this problem:

Please ask questions if you have any.

That would be just like calling :Stop() won’t it? Once you call stop it still returns to the original position, which is basically what I am trying to avoid.

Hmm, if we take it to seem like your character is at 0,0,0 And when you play the animation the character leaps forward. The character must return to 0,0,0.

Now I’m not an animator. But I was looking forward to @goldenstein64 's answer. Anywho

Try making the animation in place instead of leaping forward. And apply the leap forward with in-game or physical mechanics instead?

Yea, pretty much what I mentioned above with body movers, which is just a huge headache to get the timing and positioning right. Just trying to see if there is a simpler method that I am just missing or if that is the only way.

@goldenstein64 really covered it in his reply he linked. You can use events (animation markers). Either way there’s gonna be a lot of tweaking to get the golden combination for timing and positioning.

Unless there’s a better way. I’m still not an animator. (I know, and here I thought the seconds would certify me.)

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If :AdjustSpeed(0) cancels the animation, you could try just making that number extremely small, like :AdjustSpeed(0.0001) or something like that.

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Alright,give me a second and Ill try it. I appreciate it.


The HumanoidRootPart does not move with animations. At the end of the animation, try putting the humanoid robot part to where the torso is, and then stop the animation. This will cause actual movement.

Edit 3/27/22: Use :SetPivot to do this.


Adjusting the speed to 0 does not cancel the animation and it is a completely viable solution to keep animations from “returning to the start point” (which is actually just the animation finishing). Changing the speed to 0 and stopping are two different things, they don’t function the same way.

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I am aware, but even with using :AdjustSpeed() it just stops the animation, even though it does not return to the end it keeps the last frame of the animation on the player.

Thats one of the reason that I liked @REALTimothy0812’s suggestion, it is working but is still very glitchy, working on fixing it right now.

Here is what I am talking about.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to help!

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