How to kick users that are not part of my group

I know how to make a script where I kick certain users but I want to make it kick everyone that is not part of something… Like I just want the people in my group to join it…

Loop through the player list and call :IsInGroup(GroupId).


for _, Player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  if not Player:IsInGroup(1) then  -- replace 1 with your group id                  
      Player:Kick("Sorry you're not in the group");  


Pretty sure there’s a setting under your game/place that toggles so that only group members can join.

But if you do go with @Ze_tsu 's solution above be sure to wrap your :IsInGroup() function with a pcall as it does make a web request and could fail!

using player added would be a better alernative