Im trying to fix an exit button in one of my old games by killing the player on the press, but it looks like I cant really kill a player through a localscript.I’ve tried putting the origin position to the area I want when the player exits, but its not working.
Could someone tell me how to kill a player through a local script, and make it possibly work a bit?
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If you mean another person, you can’t. However, if you mean the client, you could probably just do something like this:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
player.Humanoid.Health -= math.huge
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
Using local script to reset the player’s character will make a bug in the server. They will see the player as alive but in client its dead. So use events.
The client has network ownership of their player so if they die, set their health to 0, etc it won’t bug the server as you put it.