How can I know how many things are in a table and print it?
local tbl = {}
How can I know how many things are in a table and print it?
local tbl = {}
Use the #
character before the table.
local tbl = {"Pie", "Napples", "Are", "Tasty"}
Sorry, i explained it wrong, I meant how to know how amount of things are there In Numbers
I must’ve misunderstood your initial question. My answer would return a number for you to use like you said, unless you want the sum of numbers in a table?
Example using my previous response:
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local playersTable = players:GetPlayers() -- a table
local numPlayers = #playersTable -- gives you a number
print("There are", numPlayers, "players in the server.")
Or if you meant a table full of numbers, and you want the sum (them all added together), you could do:
local tbl = {}
local sum = 0
for _, number in pairs(tbl) do
if type(number) == "number" then
sum += number
print(sum) -- All numbers in 'tbl' added up.
Yes, that’s what I meant, my idea was to know how many players were on the server, thanks
Another question, how could I do that if there are a maximum of 2 players on the server, something is activated/started? Would it be like this?
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local playersTable = players:GetPlayers() -- a table
local numPlayers = #playersTable -- gives you a number
if numPlayers => 2 then
You could stall the script until there are 2 or more players. Something like that would look like this:
local players = game:GetService("Players")
while #players:GetPlayers() < 2 do
-- Code below here will run once 2 players are in the server
Then you should have stated that in the subject of the thread’s post. The first reply to this thread was valid the length operator (#) when used preceding a literal table value/a variable which is a reference/pointer to some table value will return the total number of items/elements/values which exist within that table.
#workspace:GetChildren() --number of immediate child instances of the workspace
#{"hello", "world"} --number of values in this literal table (2)```
Bare in mind that use of the # (length) operator before a table which is not an array (an array is a table indexed by sequential keys), a dictionary (a dictionary is a table indexed by custom keys/fields) then the total number of items/elements/values in that dictionary will not be returned (nil is returned).
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