How to know how much RAM is used by an object?

I want to duplicate a complex model multiple times.
But I worry about how much it will cost in RAM.
How can I know how much RAM an object is taking up?

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This is not really precise to view how much RAM does an object cost but instead how much RAM does your game cost. You can do this by opening Performance Stats. Look for Memory and there you are.

Well, I mean there are alternative ways If you want to know how much RAM is used by an object by separating that object from another place then testing it (Playing) then open the Performance Stats and look for Memory again.

That’s a baseplate with nothing. I grabbed a free model donut store and this added.

SO what’s the difference? 2135 MB (First Memory) - 2270MB (Second Memory) = 135 MB in Memory.

That’s just my METHOD on checking it as there is no precise way to know how much RAM is used by an object.


This method does not work well. I did a test by Studio, when running the project, manually deleting models from the workspace, instead of decreasing, the RAM increased…
Must be some Studio dynamics…
In this case, there should be another way…

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yeah you shouldn’t rely on this method since it has a lot of “environmental” factors, I think you can see something like this in the console though, F9

You go to roblox console (F9) and press the section “Memory”, although I have not checked a lot of it, you’ll probably find it there and all the processes!

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Even using F9, makes no difference.
The memory still oscillates, despite removing a complete folder with hundreds of objects inside:

i didn’t mean total memory, there’s a section under those branches that might solve your problem though.

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There are hundreds of properties there.
Could you tell me which one?
Anyway, it’s a start.
I did a test with the “GraphicsParts” property and it already showed a change when I deleted the objects:

But I won’t be able to say whether this difference corresponds to only a part of the memory occupied by the objects.

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that’s the thing, i don’t know if there’s an exact log of each one, but console is what you need for this problem for sure

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