How to know when Profile Service is ready?

Hello guys, I have made a small module based on the Profiler service because I prefer function names like “get data”, here is a function I used to get the value of some key:

But I have encountered a problem. When the first player is added to the game, the profile service is most likely not ready:

I have tried tackling this problem by using a while loop:

However, I don’t think it’s the only solution. Do you guys have any good ideas?

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repeat task.wait() until PlayerServerClass:GetIns(player):GetOneData(dataKey.power1)

Thank you! But it’s still a loop, and I prefer not to wait for something using a loop.

In Roblox, the usual way to wait for something is by using the following methods:

  • Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
  • part.Changed:Wait()

Maybe I have come up with a good idea :grinning:.

The best way to go about doing something like this is actually a for loop since :Wait() is available only using native methods of services. Since we’re waiting for an Instance modulary, a repeat loop would serve the best use. Good news is, it disconnects once the condition is met.

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I’m almost certain this is a bad idea. calling the api that fast is just asking for errors.

@M78zhaoritian the best way to fix your issue is to modularize your code and initialize profile service before anything else. It will prevent race conditions.


Thank you, friend. However, I’m facing difficulties in initializing the profile service before anything else in my code. Even when I try to require it at the very beginning, there still seems to be some delay in handling players’ data. Could you provide a little details ?

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