How to learn VFX modeling

I’m trying to learn how to make VFX, and I found this tutorial:

Problem is I don’t understand what he does sometimes, and instead of making it he goes through the thing that’s already done (which makes it much more harder to understand).

How can I learn to make stuff like that? Are there better tutorials or something?

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I suggest to find a way easier video. Find a tutorial on how to use the buttons. I would start easy than work your way up to harder designs for ROBLOX. Blender is hard to get used to, so I suggest go easy first. I made one mistake in one of my blender designs and it made the whole thing mess up. So try to get used to the buttons and functions, then work your way up.

The thing is I have no idea where to go, what I should do that would help me get to the level of doing something like that

Since Blender updates 24/7, you need to find the newest tutorial. Old videos of how to make stuff will not be helpful towards starters like you. Try to go to the 2020 versions, cause Blender updated there platform in 2019 and everything was moved around, tools, materials, etc. Though you can set the blender to a 2.79 version. I am not allowed to post links, I believe. Try to make something like a rock on blender or a tree.

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I can already make basic stuff like rocks and trees, I’m trying to get more advanced to start making VFX, but I don’t know what I should learn

I’d like to make stuff like this:

I found a YouTuber who is also a rookie at VFX. It’s a starter VFX. It explains on how to make a basic VFX. (I couldn’t find any tutorials about VFX except this really)

I saw that video, but it doesn’t help me at all, it has nothing to do with what I’m trying to make

I suggest to DM someone who has experience with VFX, I don’t know anything about doing VFX.

Ok, so I’ve tried this before as this is very difficult. VFX is definitely a hit in the leg. I really only know how too cloth drop. I agree with @AdminTelamon as he says find the most updated version on how too make a VFX. As there are a lot of good tutorials out there. Try watching this tutorial: As this shows a simple tutorial on how too make a explosion and this should show you the basics. Then try looking at more advanced over a period of time. Good Luck :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually found some good tutorials and made this:

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It would be nice if you were to link the tutorials you used to help you make those effects to let other people know :sweat_smile: ~

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Didn’t think about that my bad!

Discord, in this discord server there’s a channel caller “VFX Lessons” that has a VFX tutorial and this video explains a lot of different modifiers


The discord link is expired can you send a other one so i can join the discord server

There you go, I edited it (30 chars)

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Link is broken please make a new one

There are actually videos on youtube now! Just search for “Roblox VFX”

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