How to load a player into a workspace rig

Remove this part of the script:

local PlayerDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId)

This part of the script is reason that when you reload the character accessories coming back.

Also, do you mean, removing accessories but before changing the rig and when reload the main character the accessories don’t reset.

Remove accesories after ApplyingDescription on the Rig and then load the rig into the players char, but basically after I load into the players char any changes made to the rig dont remain, and it loads my roblox character (also removing the description part doesnt do anything)

What do you mean by “any changes made to the rig dont remain” when you try to remove accessory does character returns to your character back? Also try to put the script inside of for loop on

local x = v

So the RIG changed after doing the loop and what I’m doing rn is
Cloning And Parenting the RIG → ApplyingDescription to the RIG (description from my user ID) → Removing every accesory that is not HAIR from the RIG → player.Character = RIG → Load player character

Also I’m trying to keep the order from above ↑ (Loading the character after doing every RIG change)
As you can see the player character is not equal to the rig

Do you mean the hat? Because other everything is seems equal.

Yes, the rig without hat is intentional but the rig with hat is not

By keeping the order from above, I’m trying to have the players character WITHOUT THE HAT, like th rig

I also dont want to do any RIG/CHARACTER changes below player:LoadCharacter()

Let me try the script. I will return in some minute

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The RIG that im cloning is also a normal R15 RIG
the game is also R15

Try this:

	local PlayerRig = game.ReplicatedStorage.zamont124
	local PlayerDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(Player.UserId)
	Player.Character = PlayerRig
	for i,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") and not string.match(v.Name:lower(),"hair") then

if i don’t do like this it will just remove the Rig’s accessory not the character. It is same with what you want to achieve. If you want player:LoadCharacter below the Rig and character then you need to make seperate script. But thats all.

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