How to load Clothing ID on Client-Side?

I was wondering how I can get the Shirt Template ID on the Client-Side? InsertService and HumanoidDescription both works on Server-Side, but do not on Client-Side.

local module = {
	["Shirt"] = {
		MaxNum = 3,

		[1] = "6812698660",
		[2] = "7525754371",
		[3] = "6943506348",

return module
MainMenuFolder.CustomizationAvatar.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = ""..CustomizationModule.Shirt[Number]

Unfortunately it’s not possible to load clothing id on the client, just the server (InsertService and HumanoidDescription are server-locked for security concerns). You can just use remote events to load it on the server, then display it on the client or whatever you’re trying to do.

The problem with that is RemoteEvents could be quickly exploited, especially if I am using InsertService.

Depends on what you are doing, like what is a way they could exploit?

You can prevent remote events from being exploited if you correctly secure your remote events on the server, and implement sanity checks.

A little bit too much work for just some clothing display, in the end, I just changed the IDs to the actual Templates.

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