How To Load İmage (With ID) İnto Object With The Help Of Gui?

Hello there,
First of all, I couldn’t find what I wanted to do anywhere. So I’m looking for someone who can help.I’m confused on how to do it.

What I want to do:
With a Gui (as in the picture), I want the decal to appear in the clipboard when the ID for the decal is typed where it says “ENTER ID”.

Also, with the help of a Gui (as in the picture), I want it to appear on my clipboard when any text is written to the place where it says “ENTER ID”.


Thank you so much to everyone who helped, read, tried to answer! :slight_smile:

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local setbutton = script.Parent --the big green set button directory lol
local idbox = script.Parent.Parent.Box --the enter id box directory
local decal = game.Workspace.Frame.Decal --the frames directory

    local id = idbox.Text
    decal.Texture = "rbxthumb://type=Asset&id=""&w=150&h=150"

note that the decal will not replicate across clients due to this being within a Local Script