How to lock ScreenGUI?


I was wondering how I can lock the screen GUI to only stay in one place.

I am making a VR game and I will like to have the ScreenGUI above the Menu sign here, always stuck in that spot.

I also like the kind of 3d effect it gives when in front of the menu sign.
Please help this is important to my game.

Also ignore the white spot at the top left.

Can you explain a little more? ScreenGuis don’t move, so I don’t understand what you mean by “locking it in place.”

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Oh so sorry, In virtual reality the screen gui is like a surface gui, it does not take up the whole screen
when playing normaly, it takes up the whole screen, but in vr it takes up space as if it was a billboard gui…
i can provide photos another day when im in vr.

i was wondering if i can lock it to stay in one spot

I see. You could put the contents of your ScreenGuis into a SurfaceGui and put it on a part. Then you could set the CFrame of that part to lock it in place. It looks like that’s what they’re doing in the picture in your first post.

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But it’s not meant to do that with Gui’s, that is just because you can’t use screen gui’s that take up the whole screen in vr. It wont work and it just appears like that.

But how would I lock it with CFrame?