How to loop 2 things

How would I go about looping through for i = 1,X*Y do the numbers and loop through the parts for _, v in pairs(parts:GetChildren()) do
in a way when there is a new number there is a new part, so that every part can be named after a different number from the number loop.

local X = 6
local Y = 8
local parts=
	local part= nil
	for i = 1,X*Y do
		for _, v in pairs(parts:GetChildren()) do
			slot = v
		slot.Name = i

Slightly confused, how many parts do you want to end up with?
X * Y

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I am trying to name x*y parts.

Thanks, thought it looked familiar.

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To achieve the desired functionality, you can modify your code as follows:

local X = 6
local Y = 8
local parts =

for i = 1, X * Y do
	local newPart ="Part")
	newPart.Name = tostring(i)
	newPart.Parent = parts

In this updated code, we iterate from 1 to X * Y using the variable i. For each iteration, a new part is created using"Part"). The Name property of the part is set to the string representation of i using tostring(i). Finally, the new part is assigned a parent by setting newPart.Parent to parts.

This is exactly what I am looking for, but how would I do it if I wanted to name already existing parts? I originally made a new part , but I have existing ones.

If you want to rename existing parts based on the iteration number i, you can modify the code as follows:

local X = 6
local Y = 8
local parts = -- change this to whatever you wish

local index = 1
for _, v in pairs(parts:GetChildren()) do
	v.Name = tostring(index)
	index = index + 1
	if index > X * Y then

In this updated code, we iterate over the existing parts using pairs(parts:GetChildren()). For each part, we set its Name property to the string representation of index using tostring(index). After renaming a part, we increment index by 1. The iteration continues until we have renamed X * Y parts or until we run out of existing parts by checking if index exceeds X * Y.