In the game I’m working on, I’ve come across an issue which I have identified, but cannot think of a viable way to fix with my limited Roblox scripting experience.
The issue emerges from the randomness aspect of my game. I have coded a for-loop to attach each meshpart to its appropriate location. Ideally, once the script is run, the player will have a fully assembled sword. What currently happens is something like this:![image|423x352]
This happens because when attaching the objects, the guard of the sword is attached to the blade first, but is then updated by the grip’s attachment, resulting in the blade being left where it was in the workspace initially. Here’s the code that is causing the issue:
for _, part in ipairs(weapon:GetChildren()) do -- the meshpart object
for _, attachment in ipairs(part:GetChildren()) do -- the meshpart's attachment
if not attachment:IsA("Attachment") or attachment.Name == "Done" then
for _, otherAttachment in ipairs(weapon:GetDescendants()) do -- loops through all attachments in the weapon
if not otherAttachment:IsA("Attachment") then
if otherAttachment.Parent ~= attachment.Parent and otherAttachment.Name ~= "Done" then -- checks that otherAttachment is not the same object as attachment
if attachment.Name == otherAttachment.Name then -- Script by RoBoPoJu
-- attach the parts, mark as done when complete
local part = attachment.Parent
local other = otherAttachment.Parent
local part1, part2 = part, other
local attach1, attach2 = attachment, otherAttachment
local part2PpCf = part2.CFrame
local newPos = attach1.WorldPosition-attach2.Position
local newPart2PpCf = part2PpCf-part2PpCf.Position+newPos
part2.CFrame = newPart2PpCf
-- weld the parts so they move together
local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weld.Parent = attachment.Parent
weld.Part0 = attachment.Parent
weld.Part1 = otherAttachment.Parent
print(attachment.Name .. " " .. otherAttachment.Name)
attachment.Name = "Done"
otherAttachment.Name = "Done"
I’ve tried a lot to remedy this, but nothing is getting the result I want.
In my latest attempt at debugging this, I isolated the script into its own game. Since I was using weld constraints, I thought that welding the parts together on each iteration would move everything in relation to eachother, but by the end, the weapon remained malformed. I think the only way to fix this bug is to either choose a completely new method or get to control the order of the loop somehow. Here is a screenshot as well as the code that causes it (I know it’s messy. I was trying to work through it and I’m pasting it as-is).
for _, part in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do -- the meshpart object
for _, attachment in ipairs(part:GetChildren()) do -- the meshpart's attachment
if not attachment:IsA("Attachment") or attachment.Name == "Done" then
for _, otherAttachment in ipairs(folder:GetDescendants()) do -- loops through all attachments in the weapon
if not otherAttachment:IsA("Attachment") then
if otherAttachment.Parent ~= attachment.Parent and otherAttachment.Name ~= "Done" then -- checks that otherAttachment is not the same object as attachment
if attachment.Name == otherAttachment.Name then -- Script by RoBoPoJu
-- attach the parts, mark as done when complete
local part = attachment.Parent
local other = otherAttachment.Parent
local part1, part2 = part, other
local attach1, attach2 = attachment, otherAttachment
local part2PpCf = part2.CFrame
local newPos = attach1.WorldPosition-attach2.Position
local newPart2PpCf = part2PpCf-part2PpCf.Position+newPos
part2.CFrame = newPart2PpCf
-- weld the parts so they move together
local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weld.Parent = attachment.Parent.Index.Value > otherAttachment.Parent.Index.Value and attachment.Parent or otherAttachment.Parent
weld.Part0 = attachment.Parent.Index.Value > otherAttachment.Parent.Index.Value and attachment.Parent or otherAttachment.Parent
weld.Part1 = weld.Part0 == attachment.Parent and otherAttachment.Parent or attachment.Parent
print(attachment.Name .. " " .. otherAttachment.Name)
attachment.Name = "Done"
otherAttachment.Name = "Done"
Because of how the rest of my game works, changing the folder names is not viable. That would only be a short-term solution that would come back to haunt me once I add new weapons to the game. Any ideas or tips?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: In reading this over, I thought I should also mention that the reason I can’t manually move the parts is because I plan to use randomized meshparts that will vary in shape and size for each component.