How to lower memory

I am working a major map expansion to my game and it has caused the memory to go up from about 500MB to 1800MB.
I want to lower the memory but i have run out of ways to lower it any more.
I have managed to lower the memory to about 1400MB but in still not satisfied
I have compressed textures and deleted unnecessary objects and enabled streaming.
what other things can i do to lower the memory?



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Have you removed as many unionations as possible, and erased unnecessary terrain (terrain that is not visible to the player, such as generated that makes a big block that you could shave down)?

i have shaved off the bottom of the terrain to make it flat but i have not hollowed the terrain

You can try that. I also found a useful article on this. Building Optimization

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i have seen this article and im considering making parts of the train track in blender to make it 3 parts instead of 5

Sounds good. You can also use the Decimate geometry tool in blender by going to Modelling > Mesh > Clean up > Decimate Geometry with the item selected, then adjust the ratio. I’m not sure how well it will help you but might as well give it a shot. You could also possibly change the track bottoms to a texture, and just let the part pieces be the two rail lines to give it a bit of three dimension.


On all your Unions and MeshParts, set the RenderFidelity to Automatic.

ive done that
ive should’ve said that from the start

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That train track looks like it has lots of parts, consider lowering the amount of parts under the track to something like this:

every segment of track has 5 parts right now and one texture and im planning to make the roadbed one mesh part insted of 3 parts

It’s probably whats causing the memory spikes


Shaving off the bottom of the terrain is probably what increased your memory usage.


nvm it only seems that it has high memory when testing within studio
in the game it has much lower memory.

ive waisted alot of time with this

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