How to lower sensitivity on mobile devices

Hi guys, I recently added mobile support for my game, but I realized that when I scoped in with a sniper, the sensitivity was too high.

On computer, there is MouseDeltaSensitivity, but after doing some research, there doesn’t seem to be any equivalent for mobile.

Does anybody know how to change the camera sensitivity on mobile devices?

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Did you ever find the solution for this?

You would need to fork the camera scripts, the things you are looking for are in StarterPlayerScripts.PlayerModule.CameraModule.CameraInput. There is a variable called “local ROTATION_SPEED_TOUCH”, its a vector2 so you can change X and Y sensitivity.

As for changing this variable when you are scoped in, you can do that a number of different ways such as checking for a character attribute like (“isScoped”) or a bindable event.

If you don’t know how to fork player scripts, all you need to do is press “Play” and while in play testing copy the 2 instances under StarterPlayerScripts “PlayerModule” “PlayerScriptsLoader” into clipboard, there is a 3rd for sounds but you don’t need that. Stop the play test and paste what you copied into StarterPlayerScripts, from there you can edit roblox’s player scripts.


Oh okay I got it now thanks for the help