How to make 2 GUI instances collide with each other

I’ve been experimenting with making a 2D game on Roblox and I have found a way to make GUI’s collide with each other but it isn’t as reliable (It can only collide with one GUI instance at a time) which usually results in the player walking through them by pressing themselves against the 2 instances I’m searching for a way to make it more reliable and efficient. Any help is appreciated!

This is just a test I made, not a game I’m working on.

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This is where you are going to want to use AbsolutePosition and AbsoluteSize

I’ve been using those, the problem is i have is to make an ImageLabel collide with 2 frames at the same time.

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Im working on a module that does this right now ( getTouchingFrames(frame) ), thanks for the idea!

It should be done and released on my profile by this week sometime hopefully


Alright! Best of luck on completing it!

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