How to make 2 parts tween at the same time

So I am making a egg animation but the egg has 2 parts the top and bottom I want them to tween at the same time when its rotating.
What I tried making a tween for the top and a separate tween for the bottom and played them but it would delay a few seconds.

Can you show us your current script?

local function rotateEgg(pos,rot,Object) -- position rotation object

		local info =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0)

		local goal = {
			Orientation = rot,
			Position = pos

		local tween = Ts:Create(Object,info,goal):Play()

	rotateEgg(, 5.346, 203.087),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Top)
	rotateEgg(, 2.772, 202.592),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Bottom)
coroutine.wrap(rotateEgg)(, 5.346, 203.087),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Top)
coroutine.wrap(rotateEgg)(, 2.772, 202.592),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Bottom)

this should fix it (replace your rotateEgg lines with these two.)

Try this

local function rotateEgg(pos,rot,Object) -- position rotation object
		local info =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0)

		local goal = {
			Orientation = rot,
			Position = pos

		local tween = Ts:Create(Object,info,goal):Play()

rotateEgg(, 5.346, 203.087),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Top)
rotateEgg(, 2.772, 202.592),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Bottom)
local function rotateEgg(Position, Rotation, Object)
	local Info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0)
	local Goals = {Orientation = Rotation, Position = Position}
	local Tween = Ts:Create(Object, Info, Goals):Play()

task.spawn(function() rotateEgg(, 5.346, 203.087),, -43.7, -15.6), MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Top) end)
task.spawn(function() rotateEgg(, 2.772, 202.592),, -43.7, -15.6), MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Bottom) end)

I don’t know what everyone here is doing with task.spawn and coroutine. There is a delay because the Tween takes time to be created. Just create all the Tweens and then play them at the same time not play the tween right after it’s been made.

local info =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0) 
-- ^ that is outside because it's a constant. There is no need to create it again.

local function rotateEgg(pos,rot,Object) -- position rotation object
	local goal = {
		Orientation = rot,
		Position = pos
	return Ts:Create(Object,info,goal)

local Tween1 = rotateEgg(, 5.346, 203.087),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Top)
local Tween2 = rotateEgg(, 2.772, 202.592),, -43.7, -15.6),MainFolder.Animation.Egg.Bottom)


Yes it works but it has a delay like this:

They have a delay I want it to look like its being tweened as 1 part and not like that.

Also the tween is about making both of them rotate to a side so I couldnt use orientation only so I used position too so that its not looking weird.
without position: