How to make 2 suns?


i have a question: Is it possible to make 2 suns in one place and how? I want sunrays on different positions.


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I’m pretty sure that you can’t make two suns with sunrays coming from different positions. You can make a new sun image that has two balls in it so it looks like there are two suns.

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It could be possible to use a stepped loop to change the time in an interval back and forth to imitate 2 suns. that would look like this:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")

local SunTimes = {8, 12} -- Add, edit, or remove times here to add more suns. 0 to 24
local SunFrame = 1

    local SunTime = SunTimes[SunFrame]
    Lighting.ClockTime = SunTime
    SunFrame += 1
    if SunFrame > #SunTimes then SunFrame = 1 end
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