I want clothing like that to be on your roblox character when you load into a game.
I tried to weld but idk how to weld so I was unsuccessful.
I want clothing like that to be on your roblox character when you load into a game.
I tried to weld but idk how to weld so I was unsuccessful.
You do it by welding. You should supply your weld attempt and other information regarding your attempt and setup so you can be better helped.
I attempted to use a plug in it cost I believe 25 robux and it will weld it to parts and stuff but I don’t use it because it welds to the arms so them they arms don’t move or work
They are mesh parts but the odd things is that when I tried to weld them they would not go together cause it said it was not a part.
i guess you can use plugins for welds but that could be an error cause too.
i made a script for welding cloth in case you want to try it (serverscriptservice)
-- This function tries to find a limbs corresponding cloth when ran
local function weldCorrespondingClothingToLimb(limb)
local limbName = limb.Name -- like RightHand, UpperTorso etc.
-- try to find clothing that corresponds to our limb
local correspondingClothPart = nil
for _,clothingPart in ipairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.ClothingFolder:GetDescendants()) do
if limbName:Match("_Cloth") then -- searches for "RightHand_Cloth" etc.
correspondingClothPart = clothingPart:Clone
correspondingClothPart.Parent = limb
-- if we didnt find clothing, print an error
if correspondingClothPart == nil then print("failed to find cloth for" .. limbName) return end
-- add the WeldConstraint
local weldConstraint = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weldConstraint.C0 = limb
weldConstraint.C1 = correspondingClothPart
weldConstraint.Parent = limb
-- When a player is added, add clothing to their limbs with the above function
for _,limb in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if limb:IsA("BasePart") then weldCorrespondingClothingToLimb(limb)
PS. for the above code to work, you need to have a folder in ReplicatedStorage called “ClothingFolder” that has all the clothing parts individually inside it, and you need to name the parts like RightHand_Cloth, upperTorso_Cloth and so on
Thank you it did say it was not a part so that’s why i guess it was not working.
Can I add you on discord I would like to talk about this a bit more over there even so I can perhaps show you what I am talking about and sorts.
hmm. well do it on the forum, so more people can see this
also when posting, post all relevant data with screenshots or text. it helps people like me get a better scope of the issue. like i still dont know if youre using weld vs. constraint, if the parts are anchored, are they meshparts vs meshes and so on and so on
if you can do that i can for sure look into it further to help ya. if you havent found a solution yet that is