How to make 3D text without any plugins

Are you too poor to buy 3D text plugins? Or it’s just another reason? Then you’re in luck!

Get a 3D text pack

3D Text packs such as this:



First, we need a movement increment, for this tutorial, i'll use 0.1. You can set it to whatever you want, but I recommend 0.1-2 studs. This keeps the text aligned. (adjust if needed)
  1. Place the text somewhere near where you want it on. This is optional, but will make the 3D text more accessible.

  2. Duplicate the letter

  3. With the increment, move it to the right of the previous letter.

  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for every single letter.

  5. Group the text in order to resize and position it better.

  6. You should end up with something like this:



I don’t understnad what this is useful for?! I mean, the plugin I use is free I am quite sure, so this would just take a lot extra time.


One reason is Cyrillic, Greek and Arabic letters, It only supports Latin Letters, but I will 3D model it for these text

What about diacritics? like á-é-í-ó-ú

The point of plugins is to speed up development and make it simply easier. Making a resource that slows down development with the same functionality as a plugin may be quite odd…

Instead, why not a plugin where you provide the models on a template and then be able to instantly write with it? I would actually like to see this! Especially if it could supports other character sets and diacritics.