Currently, I’m trying to make my own 3D platformer game. I’m quite interested in this form of swinging system in the beginning of the video below.
However, I can’t seem to start with any types of foundation to make this system.
I would appreciate all help possible.
Create a touch event for the swinging bar. When its touched, check if touched is a character. If it is, weld their humanoidrootpart to the swinging bar. When they attempt to jump, remove the weld and give their character the current velocity of the bar. Their humanoid has a jump property that you can check to tell if they try to jump. If it doesnt work, userinputservice could help you.
For the swinging aspect, try using a constraint and see which one would work best for your use case. It woild be better to use a constraint that uses physics so players are able to inherit the velocity instead of having to run advanced calculations if it was being fakely moved with a script.
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