I would like to achieve an affect where I cannot allow the player’s camera to go past Y = 0 (Camera cannot go below the vehicle basically) with a damping effect. I’m not sure on how to achieve this effect nor I cannot really showcase what I have in mind because my computer is slow and cannot record smooth gameplay but hopefully my explaination was enough.
You can solve this problem as follows:
- Press Play and then copy both of these scripts
After that press Stop and paste both scripts into StarterPlayerScripts
Put VehicleCamera module inside PlayerScriptsLoader
Inside VehicleCamera module replace lines 93 and 94 with
local pitchSpringPosNotClamped = pitchSpring.pos + dPitch
local cameraSubject = workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject
local pitchLowerLimitValue = cameraSubject:FindFirstChild("PitchLowerLimit")
if pitchLowerLimitValue and pitchLowerLimitValue:IsA("NumberValue") then
local pitchLowerLimit = math.rad(pitchLowerLimitValue.Value)
local pitchLowerLimitStiffness = DEFAULT_PITCH_LOWER_LIMIT_STIFFNESS
local pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue = cameraSubject:FindFirstChild("PitchLowerLimitStiffness")
if pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue and pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue:IsA("NumberValue") then
pitchLowerLimitStiffness = pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue.Value
if pitchSpringPosNotClamped > pitchLowerLimit then
pitchSpringPosNotClamped += (pitchLowerLimit - pitchSpringPosNotClamped) * (1 - math.exp(-dt * pitchLowerLimitStiffness))
yawSpring.pos = sanitizeAngle(yawSpring.pos + dYaw)
pitchSpring.pos = sanitizeAngle(math.clamp(pitchSpringPosNotClamped, -PITCH_LIMIT, PITCH_LIMIT))
- and after line 8 add this line, this will set the default stiffness for the limit
- then change PlayerScriptsLoader’s code to
PlayerScriptsLoader - This script requires and instantiates the PlayerModule singleton
2018 PlayerScripts Update - AllYourBlox
local NewVehicleCamera = script:WaitForChild("VehicleCamera")
local PlayerModule = script.Parent:WaitForChild("PlayerModule")
local CameraModule = PlayerModule:WaitForChild("CameraModule")
NewVehicleCamera.Parent = CameraModule
And inside of the VehicleSeats that you want to have the limit, insert a NumberValue and rename it to PitchLowerLimit, then set the value of it to how much do you want the players to be able to rotate the camera down before the limit starts working
optionally you can add another NumberValue inside of it called PitchLowerLimitStiffness,
then set the value of it to how stiff do you want the limit to be (a bigger value will make the limit less smooth, while a smaller value will make the limit more smooth)
The smooth limit works by checking if a player has rotated the camera downwards more than a certain angle and then it interpolates the camera back to that certain angle which makes it smooth
And the replaced code of PlayerScriptsLoader will replace the Roblox VehicleCamera with the new VehicleCamera that smoothly limits the camera’s vertical rotation
Could you send me a place file? VehicleCamera
seems to not be running
Here you go!
I made a VehicleSeat that you can sit on and test
VehicleCameraPitchLowerLimit.rbxl (62.9 KB)
Hey this is excellent however it does not work with my custom camera scripts. It should work all I did was put the number values in the respect Camera Parts but it does not work. Any ideas why?
I thought that you needed help with the Roblox camera.
Sorry but I don’t really want to figure out someone’s custom camera
No no all I do is just the camera subject so it shouldn’t be a problem.
Here you go
Now you can insert the NumberValues into the camera subjects that you want to have the limit and it should work
Make a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts and replace it’s code with
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local WorldDt = 0
RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(_, dt)
WorldDt = dt
local dt = WorldDt
WorldDt = 0
local RotX, RotY, RotZ = Camera.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesYXZ()
local cameraSubject = Camera.CameraSubject
if cameraSubject then
local pitchLowerLimitValue = cameraSubject:FindFirstChild("PitchLowerLimit")
if pitchLowerLimitValue and pitchLowerLimitValue:IsA("NumberValue") then
local pitchLowerLimit = math.rad(pitchLowerLimitValue.Value)
local pitchLowerLimitStiffness = DEFAULT_PITCH_LOWER_LIMIT_STIFFNESS
local pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue = cameraSubject:FindFirstChild("PitchLowerLimitStiffness")
if pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue and pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue:IsA("NumberValue") then
pitchLowerLimitStiffness = pitchLowerLimitStiffnessValue.Value
if RotX > pitchLowerLimit then
RotX += (pitchLowerLimit - RotX) * (1 - math.exp(-dt * pitchLowerLimitStiffness))
local Focus = Camera.Focus.Position
local Zoom = (Camera.CFrame.Position - Focus).Magnitude
Camera.CFrame = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(RotX, RotY, RotZ) * CFrame.new(0, 0, Zoom) + Focus
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