How to make a Admin Bypass for this door?


how can i make a adminbypass (with userid) for this door? All players (not the owner from the tycoon) will get killed if the door is activated. But i want that I (admin) can walk through a activated door. But how can i make that? Can someone edit the script and send it back?

local ownerID = 1240678162

function touc(part)
	local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(part.Parent.Name)
	if plr then
		local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		if h then
			if val.Value == true then
				if part.Parent.Name ~= script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value.Character.Name then
					h.Health = 0
				else if part.Parent.UserId == ownerID then
						part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Health = 100


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local ownerID = --ID Here

 if h.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent).UserId ~= ownerID then
  h.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0
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that would not work this are only a few lines from my script

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You said you wanted it to kill people who aren’t you, that’s exactly what that does.

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no i want that the tycoon owner will dont get killed too


Okay then just make it a table

local IDs = {ID,ID} -- add IDs here as you please 

 if h.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and not table.find(IDs,game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent).UserId) then
  h.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0

@roblox_user_54556995 is correct I think, his script should allow only the owner to walk through the part.

no you didn’t understand. I mean the tycoon owner not the game owner. The script from the door is right but i only want that you add that i can walk through. But dont change the script only add something i think.


but this isnt that what i want

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Ah, do you have a way of determining who the tycoon owner is?

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of course, its in the script. There is a Owner Value

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if part.Parent.Name ~= script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value.Character.Name then

@roblox_user_54556995 script uses that value…

I think im misunderstanding completely

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Assume that the tycoon’s owner ID was nil from the beginning, the ownership touch brick should change the owner ID to the player who touched it. A secondary check is needed for admins and others.

For a secondary check, use any method to check for if the player’s ID or rank of a group is high enough to bypass the check from killing.

If none of the checks passed, they will be ultimately obliterated by the door.

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the door is working very good, but i only want a few additional lines for bypassing for admins

The idea is to write a table with specific UserIDs of each admin you want to add and then proceed to using table.find(). If it returns nil, it’s not there. Otherwise you can use return to stop the line.

could you send the script? i dont understand very much im not a native english speaker

Do you have a value for the owner script?

what a value? the owner from the tycoon is in a value yes. And this is written in the script

A value in replicated storage.