How to make a basic train

This is a very good tutorial. Thanks, @Deadwoodx!

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I figured it out by pressing a random button, now if I have a locomotive, followed by a couple of cars, could I add another locomotive to help the first one?

If you’d used my setup or Deadwoodx’s you can just add thrust to each car to help move it.
More locomotives = more parts and more places for it to break.

I made bogies on the train and i put hingeconstraints to attach them but now the train shakes.

How can I fix it ?

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Use tween service instead

Try this method of roller coaster system to avoid lag and shakes:


Okay but the problem with your tutorial is the train can’t be drivable.

It actually can be drivable, but you need to do some controls for it

Where are you applying the velocity?

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Hello :smiley: Can you turn this into a free model so I can sample this.

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@Deadwoodx i want to make an automatic train but also want it to make it stop at station can you please help me

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Sure, add me on discord Deadwoodx#0056, tell me your id so I can add you

Sorry I don’t encourage others to just use my tutorials, I like to spread knowledge, as it will increase but never decrease


How do I weld it?

Also if you could explain my how to do stations, wagons and a good looking transport train it would be really nice, thanks. Either discord or dev forum DM is good for me.
My discord: 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞#1555

I think to make wagons or train cars you’d have to make it the same way just without the script and welded to a connector which is welded to the main train.
For welding, if you absolutely don’t know how I’ll show you.

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The wedges and back part fall off…

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Step 1. Make the wagon’s base.
Step 2. Design the wagon around the base, welding each part so they don’t come undone.
Step 3. Weld a connector part (one that you made) to the base of the main train.
If you need more help let me know

Issue: I don’t know how I should weld it

Add a weld instance to any part in the train model

Select the 2 properties of the weld, to the two parts which should be welded


What is a weld instance? Charrrr

bruh Its uh an instance, you should know basic roblox studio things before doing this, or it would be hard

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I like your tutorial, I didn’t really know where to start making a monorail so I tried this, but it doesn’t look right if you’re standing on it.

Do you know if there’s a fix for this?

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