How to make a bezier curve of 90 degrees

Hello guys, I have been trying to tween a perfect curve of a 90-degree angle.
However, for some reason, I am unable to achieve this tween for some reason. The tween is always off the desired curve

I made a 90 degree angle curve using the ARCHIMEDES Plugin, using a part that turns 2.5 Degree everytime.

Is it cause the angle is not detailed enough or i plotted by points wrong

Heres a rough diagram, and where my points are plotted. Am i placing the points wrongly or is the curve not detailed enough?

My 1st and 3rd points are place on the start at end of the curve which is 90 degrees, and my 2nd point is aligned with both points. The diagram is slightly not to scale but it should give you the idea

Archimedes rotates parts so that they are on a circular arc. A Bezier curve cannot create a perfect circle, no matter where you put the control points. See: Bézier curve - Wikipedia for the explanation. A Bezier curve trying to make a circle will always be a little bit squared-off looking with places where it does not follow a circle closely enough that there is visible error.

Your tween should not use a Bezier as your post title suggests, it should just use actual circle math (like Archimedes, just rotate points around some center point). Circular arcs are easily arc-length parameterized too, which Bezier curves generally are not (quadratic Bezier arc length is a nightmare formula and cubic and higher have no closed-form solution for the arc length at all).

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Thank you, I misunderstood that beziers created a perfect circle. Although I solved the problem already (By building the curve using waypoints generate by the Bezier Curve). Thank you so much for helping :+1: