How to make a boat work?

I recently made a boat in roblox studio and I wanted to make it work on water. I found searched for a tuturial on youtube and found a good on from a year ago. I did everything as said in the video but when I tested it it didnt work. I tried changing the liniair- and angulair velocity, but no succes. Can anyone help me?

The boat I made


What is your issue?

U said nothing…. Are you stuck makimg it float or move or what?

Are you using terrain water?

I would first try to get a simple part to float, then movr …

U prob want to make all your boat parts massless, the weld some parts that float to where you want the float line of your boat …

Have u searched free boat models that work?

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I had not tried this before, so I made a quick file to see.

You can make a block float on terrain water by changing its density.

Screen Shot 2023-11-14 at 4.54.34 PM

Water.rbxl (53.4 KB)

Make any parts you weld to the main part massless.

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The boat doesn’t move. I also tried it with just one part and a vehicle seat, but it didn’t move. It does float. This is the script I used: