I want to my make a arena using a cylinder but i don’t know how to make a border because when I made a border using another union it didn’t have good collision.
You can make a union’s collisions more precise by changing the collision fidelity property to “PreciseConvexDecomposition”
This is a property of the union under “collisions”
As @gatoriepet said, try PreciseConvexDecomposition.
Are there holes in your walls that you can’t get through? Large Unions with small holes in them cause issues because the Physical rendering and the Visual rendering don’t usually match up when you have small percentages of Unions that are holes.
There’s also a ShowDecompositionGeometry Plugin that will show you the actual physical shape of your Unions instead of the visual shape.
can you please link the plugin if you can
It is also a setting you can turn on in studio settings, has the same name, just check it off and it will show decomposition geometry.
The only issue I had with that before (unless it’s been fixed) is that you have to change a Property of the Mesh or Union like transparency or color so it will change to show the geometry.
@Philipceo90 here’s the link: