How to make a bullet hole face properly

Im trying to make a paintball system where when the painball collides with something a splash effect comes up but right now its not being rotated properly, could someone refer me to a way i could fix this

Can you show us how you’re placing the holes?

local SplatsModule = {
	Images = {
		Splat1 = "",
		Splat2 = "",
		Splat3 = "",
		Splat4 = "",

function SplatsModule.FireSplat(pos, part, color)
	local keys = {}
	for key in pairs(SplatsModule.Images) do
		table.insert(keys, key)

	local randomKey = keys[math.random(1, #keys)]
	local randomImage = SplatsModule.Images[randomKey]

	local splat = script.Splat:Clone()
	splat.Parent = workspace.DebrisCache
	splat.Size = * 2 + 3, math.random() * 2 + 3, 0)
	splat.Position = pos
	splat.WeldConstraint.Part1 = part

	splat.Decal.Color3 = color


return SplatsModule

You can use the Normal property of raycast results to get the angle of the face.

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how would i go about doing this

This is a server script in the workspace.

local rayOrigin =, 20, 0)
local rayDirection =, -10, 0)

local part ="Part")
part.Size =
part.Position = rayOrigin
part.Anchored = true
part.Parent = workspace


local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection)

if raycastResult then
	local hitPosition = raycastResult.Position
	local normal = raycastResult.Normal

	part.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(hitPosition, hitPosition + normal)
	-- This makes the part face in the direction of the normal vector
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