How to make a Camera Bobble & POV camera co-exist?

I want to add a camera bobble system, and a pov system (see the bottom part of your body).

thing is, both scripts requires the use of offset camera in the humanoid. Is it possible to have both of these scripts in, or is it a lost cause? (I tried adding a second humanoid in the player, didn’t turn out well, only other option is me using the camera in workspace or making a camera in the player)

Camera Bobble Script

POV Camera Script

You should incorporate your POV script into the bobble script so they don’t conflict.

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I tried to do this last time, but I went into the POV script, and removed everything from line 19 and under. I was able to see my head. Do you think it’ll be better to delete my head rather than making it transparent?

You can make use of BindToRenderStep to control your offsets.

What this method ultimately does is it runs in the order you want it to. The camera code runs at a certain time, and this function allows you to run code after the camera code is run, as well as other code before it.

--// Bobble script one
    Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, --> runs after the camera
        --> POV code
        Camera.CFrame = povCFrame
--// Bobble script two
    Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 2, --> runs after the camera and after the POV
        --> bobble code
        Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame + bobbleAmount
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