How to make a car drift?


Yesterday i followed sleitnick’s tutorial on how to make a car. I learned a lot from it and i’d like to add drifting. The car uses constraints (cylindrical, spring) and a vehicle seat.

Can anybody help me out?



I have not done this, so I’m not sure but I would expect if the drifting is to be physically simulated, you’ll want to disable the front wheel drive(his tutorial is 4wd) and reduce friction on the rear tire material?

Your car should already drift if u followed his tutorial if u go fast (like 70 mph or smth)

Getting a car to drift in Roblox relies on a bunch of stuff. It’s best done by just tuning A-Chassis to your needs in my opinion, but if you really wanted to make your own chassis to drift here’s advice I can give you:

Experiment between RWD and AWD, and different power/differential balances. Depending on how you’ve set your car up, how you want to drift, and your drifting skill, you may want some form of AWD with a very miniscule amount of power to the front, just enough to help assist you with counter steering.

A light car is good for drifting, no denying that, but you don’t want it to be too light, especially on the rear in comparison to the front. If the front holds all the weight, or it is too light for the amount of power it’s making, it’s just gonna be spinning out all the time.

Have a research on how RC cars drift. I’d imagine because Roblox parts are (by default) very light, the physics and concept behind it would be more similar to that. Find out how their gyros work to stop them from spinning out all the time, and implement something similar in concept to your chassis.

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Thanks! But what are RWD and AWD lol

Nevermind. RWD = Rear Wheel Drive, AWD = All Wheel Drive.

1 – for pros
I have found out that roblox cars never do stunts and drifts like in the movies . i have discovered that the gravity on roblox is 196 and it should be 35 in real life , that stops the car from drifting . You can make cars drift by lowering the gravity (if your car drifts too crazily then try to add some weight to the car instead of increasing gravity level) .
2 – for noobs
I have tried to make 196 gravity cars drift , the first method is by increasing engine Horsepower (horsepower of a standard comfort taxi is about 100hp , 789hp for mclaren senna) . The second method is to reduce friction level on car wheels in “custom physical properties” (Friction of standard cars is 0.7 , )