You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
Hello i never maked an AI in roblox and i wanna create a catapult can someone explain me how to do it?
You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
Do they walk on to the catapult, can other players be catapulted, please be more specific.
You need to do more research bruh, there’s a tutorial for how to make a catapult on YouTube by Eppobot. But asking for a script isn’t the way to go either
Also, do you already have a model for this catapult?
Hello ,no i want the catapult to shoot rocks at the player whitout physics
You can use linear velocity, but for a simpler method, you can just use velocity. But your way on asking how to do it is asking for someone to write a script for you, then nobody can help you and you can get taken down by the dev forum moderators
Hi no im not asking for a script i just want some help
That’s a lot to say @Excrafsito_YT, I found the catapult tutorial veidio rubixx was talking about… just do every instance of humans to the object you want to throw… and make it anchored.