How to make a character model fly?

So I am remaking the infamous game everyone knows and loves. “Build to survive the zombies”. I have already made a majority of the zombies except the flying zombie.

I want to make the zombie fly towards a player. I also want it to be achieved via bodymovers or bodypositions or bodyvelocities. Cuz raycasting and using CFrame probably isn’t the best way to go about things in this situation.


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I used an AlignOrientation and AlignPosition to achieve a “Flying Zombie” without scripts.

Hierarchy in explorer:

Video (I hope this loads):

Basically, the AlignPosition tries to make Attachment0 copy the position Attachment1. Set the MaxVelocity to change the speed.
If you use the PrimaryAxisLookAt mode of the AlignOrientation, it makes Attachment0 look at Attachment1.

EDIT: If the Orientation is wrong, say the zombie flies sideways, adjust the orientation of the From Attachment.

Here’s a file if you wanted.
Flying Zombie & Player.rbxm (5.5 KB)

This isn’t the most reliable way, but it’s a scriptless way :man_shrugging:

I used to use alignposition and alignorientation all the time. Idk why I didn’t think to use that. Thank you!

I got it to work, do you know how I can make it NOT fling the player once it reaches the desired position?

NVM that didn’t help. It was horrible.

I think you should go with cframes and raycasting, its probably less overhead if you have several zombies considering you don’t really need to rely on the physics system

You would have to use scripts, magnitude, raycasts all that