How to make a classic roblox spawn effect


I was wondering how to create a old ROBLOX spawn effect and not have the glowing orb?
What I am talking about is this:

If anyone knows a good way to do this then please tell me. Thanks!


Use SelectionBox and adorn them to the body parts, then tween the colors

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I`m ready to help. First set this duration property in spawnlocation to 0:


Now just create Script in workspace or ServerScriptService and put in it this:

local invincibleDuration = 5 --Duration of this effect.

		for i,v in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
			if v:IsA("BasePart") then
				local box ="SelectionBox")
				box.SurfaceTransparency = 1
				box.LineThickness = 0.1
				box.Parent = v
				box.Adornee = v
		local ff ="ForceField")
		ff.Parent = char
		ff.Visible = false
		local tme = 0
		repeat wait(0.1)
			tme += 0.1
			local color = BrickColor.Random().Color
			for i,v in pairs(char:GetDescendants()) do
				if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then
					game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(v,, {Color3 = color}):Play()
		until tme >= invincibleDuration
		for i,v in pairs(char:GetDescendants()) do
			if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then

Hope it helped. I tested it out, works great! Have a nice day with that.


Tested it and it worked exactly how I wanted it. Thank you so much!

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Fun fact, don’t use polling in here. Use a timer module to save those milliseconds. Other than that, please don’t use :Destroy() on base parts unless you are very sure you don’t need that base part anymore. Instead, use Debris service to handle this.

I’m using :Destroy() on SelectionBoxes. I made this script fast so guy can see result as fast as he can. Script is made fast and bad. But works. Anything else is no need.

I’m just telling you optimizations. This could drastically decrease in game performance if you keep using the function often.

Debris literally uses :Destroy() though, but with a few extra checks to see if the item still exists.

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Huh? Are you sure? Where did you get this information?

After the lifetime argument has elapsed (in seconds) the object is removed in the same manner as Instance:Destroy. Debris would actually have more of an impact on performance

Do you meant by same logic? I’m confused.

The same. Meaning at the end of the Debris timer :Destroy() is used

Also debris kinda bad thing to use, because if server lags or has bad perfomance Debris can be a bit late for deleting objects. Also bad thing with debris, is that you can overfill it. When you have 3-4 objects in debris for 10-20 seconds. It will destroy them faster for “better server perfomance” when i need those objects for 10-20 seconds and not for 3 secodns. That’s why i use Debris on small and not exact lifetime objects. And wait() or wait(5) with os.time() for long lifetime objects, like bosses, NPCs, Items.