How to make a copy button that copys a text to clipboard

Hello! Im searching how to code a button that copys a text to players clipboard when clicked to a button if you help me ill be happy, thanks

Looking through other threads on the net, I have found out that Vanilla Lua does not support copying to your clipboard. Since Roblox uses Luau, I don’t think it has this system implemented yet. As maybe some developer kids might spam nasty things on another user’s clipboard which are inapropriate which is not fun for the user.

A stackoverflow thread here seems to have partial information about what you want to achieve, but does not have the full solution to it… For that reason, I don’t think Roblox lua would be able to do this, you might have to make the user copy paste manually instead.

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There is a function for this, but it is locked to core scripts so it is unusable. As an alternative to copying the text to clipboard, you can have a texteditable false textbox with the text you want them to copy and they could copy it.

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