How to make a cross server chat

So, this question has been annoying my mind, how do I make a cross server messaging chat using the default chat system and how do I filter that message?

My current ideas:

  • Messaging service
  • Text service for filtering

Whats the problem?
The problem is, how do I group lets say 8 people into one chat stream and then another 8 into another etc…

Any ideas will be gratefully appreciated.

Take a look at this article explaining how it can be done.

I can get it to work, just I cant get it to divide the chats into multiple. I want to assign 8 players to the chats.

Sadly, I dont really have knowledge in MessagingService and encourage you to search for already solved threads about this topic. Ill try my best to see what else I can provide.

You can use the core idea of the article, except the message topic that the players are using should be dynamic. If you have one player “creating” the group, you can just have the topic be the player’s UserId, or if you’re breaking the players up into groups, you can create a “GroupId” and have that be the message topic.