How to make a curved road going up at the same time?

This is an example (NOT INSPIRATION) of what i’m trying to do:

When I try doing it with Archimedes, the road won’t end up being straight at the other end and will be tilted. (yellow part = normal level)

I also tried making a transition so that the road doesn’t end up being tilted at the other end but the transition is way too visible and will cause a bump to any vehicles driving by.

Can someone suggest a technique or a plugin with which I will be able to do that?

best way at my knowledge is doing it with blender, it’s way better to make those type of tricky road, archimeds work too, but is kinda more tricky since you have to put an X and Z rotation, one way could be to give your road a curved rotation by default

then use gapfill to switch from normal to curved

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