How to make a curving part move at a constant speed?

So I have this fireball projectile that I’m moving using bezier curves:

As you can see in the video, the fireball’s speed changes depending on the distance, which I don’t want, I want it to move at a constant speed.

The way I scripted it is that the client fires the server, the server creates a part and moves it along a defined bezier curve using [Bhristt's Bezier Curve Module (Tween support)]
And returns that part back to the client for vfx. The points of the curve are randomized and end at the clients mouse position.

Also, if anyone has any suggestions for moving this fireball other than bezier curves, then please let me know. I’ve tried bodyvelocity but I like having a part curve along a path.

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if you want to move it at a constant speed your going to have to use the magnitude and do some maths with it according to the mouse or space it is traveling to, but I’m too lazy to work out the maths for that.

LinearVelocity | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If I understand this right then first you’ll get the speed you want for one distance let’s say for 100 studs you want to tween in 1 second meaning for 300 studs you want it to be 3 seconds so you would put 3*100/1 Instead of seting 1 on the time to tween property.

The creator of the module responded to me and solved my problem, thanks to anyone who responded anyways though.

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