so in the game icebreaker the chat is not shown but the typing bar is there and if u type something it comes in the custom chat, i made a custom chat in my game but i want to only show the type bar and not the regular chat
how to do it
put this in a localscript (this will only work with legacychatservice, which is what im assuming ur using if you want something like icebreaker’s chat)
game:GetService("Chat"):RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
return {
BubbleChatEnabled = true,
ClassicChatEnabled = false
put it in starterplayerscripts
it didnt work the normal chat was still there
are you using legacychatservice?
idk i watched a yt tutorial they didnt say anything about it
ok how abt trying this:
under textchatservice in the explorer click on chatwindowconfiguration and uncheck the enabled box
ye it works thx a lot
char limit
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