How to make a Custom Core Message Box

I wanted to make one of those custom core message box’s the ones that are like Black and White colored box’s that appear when purchasing a Gamepass/Dev Product. I want those but with custom text. How can I make one of those?

If you mean replacing the core purchase guis, you can’t do that. They were added for safety reasons and are not editable as normal scripts lack the permission to do so

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like not the purchase I just want the Text Box and with my own custom text on it.

You will just have to create a UI that mimics that style. If you don’t know how to create GUI I would start by making a ScreenGui, adding a frame to be the container and then add text labels to it.

But when it comes to the actual purchase you are able to mimic their look, but for an actual purchase the real one will still show up.

What is the intended use if I may ask?