How to make a custom death sound (only the person that died can hear)

Hello developers, Basically I want to make it so that when a player dies that they only can hear the death sound instead of oof.


Here is how to delete OOF sound:

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I didn’t say remove the death sound (oof)

Ohhh i though you need to remove OOF sound sorry :sweat_smile:
Here is how to change death sound to custom one:

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I’ve watched that video but I want it so that only the player that died can hear the sound, is there a way to do that?


You put the sound inside of SoundService and play it from a LocalScript that is inside of StarterPlayerScripts.

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I don’t know how to script lol.

Keep track of the players death on a local script
This event is useful for knowing when the user dies, it also includes code samples which could work in your case.

When the player dies, simply play the audio!

Well then you’re not ready for script support yet.

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This category is for help with scripting, not getting people to script for you.


Sad for you.
and adding to what @BANSA168 said in post #6
paste this script in the local script

local Character = script.Parent -- Get character
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") -- Get humanoid
local sound = game.SoundService:WaitForChild("Sound") -- Make sure the name of the sound is "Sound"

Humanoid.Died:Connect(function() -- See if humanoid dies
sound:Play() -- plays the sound
end) -- function end

Idk why it doesn’t work for some reason.

Do you have a sound named “Sound” in SoundService?

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Yes I do capital S in the name is well.

A sound put in a players StarterGui will become local only to that player …
Also sounds can be removed or edited by running the script in the studio, going to get the script
creating the sounds, editing the “oof” out then keeping your copy of that script in that folder.

This is also a way … just remove all the built in sounds. This is a local script in StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer

local function PlayerAdded(character)
	local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")	
	local Rbx = player.PlayerScripts.RbxCharacterSounds
	Rbx.Disabled = true


I use this one all the time … then just add my own sounds.

He did said that he did NOT want to disable the oof sound.

Ok then. Is there even a SoundId in the sound Instance?

Line 22

	Died = {
		SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.mp3",

“But, everyone will hear that.”
only ways I would know how to do it … gl

yes the sound id is rbxassetid://750116540.

well basically instead of oof its rbxassetid://750116540 sound id and the person that dies can only hear it.