How do I make a custom main menu for each player so it will upload the user’s character ?
here something
- for the character clone the charcter then position it and play the animation (if there is an animation)
2.for the name just:
TextLabel.Text = "Hello, " .. LocalPlayer.Name .. "!"
hope this helps!
if there is something else let me know!
Hey! Thank you but I was talking about the avatar not the user’s name haha
i even said it
Sorry, I don’t actually understand what you mean
get the local player
and clone
it then use PivotTo
and i forgot to say give a parent
to the clone
if you done it please reply to let know
I think this might be a good example based on what @matolol2011 was saying, for cloning the player character:
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
char.Parent = workspace // or whatever is the base of your main menu
char.Position = workspace.ExamplePart.Position // again, or whatever is the object you have for your model in your screenshot.
you are kinda right even you BUT
you can’t use char.Position
instead use char:PivotTo("position/cframe") -- i don't remember is is position or cframe
Hello! Thank you but it sadly didn’t work.
I don’t know if I forgot something.
can you share the script so i can see what you have done?
and last: is localScript
or Script
Try checking if the character has been added. Example:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local new_char = character:Clone()
new_char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position = workspace.CLONING.Position
That should work.
that can work but you can use:
local char:Model = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:Clone()
char.Parent = workspace // or whatever is the base of your main menu
char:PivotTo(workspace.MainMenuCharPosition.CFrame) -- in the PivotTo call the part for the player clonePosition folder/workspace
and last: to see bugs from scripts go to the view tab and open output ( i said it because i think you are new )